Trading Instruments to be Affected by Chinese Lunar New Year 2025 Public Holiday  - Zeal Capital Market


Trading Instruments to be Affected by Chinese Lunar New Year 2025 Public Holiday 

Please be advised that for symbols affected by the long holiday, Zeal Group will decrease the CFD leverage (including hedged positions) before close and after open.

Symbol Initial Margin Hedged Margin
HK50 From 0.7% to 1.4% From 10% to 20%  
CN300 From 1%to 2% From 10% to 20%  

28th January 2025, 18:15 – 3rd February 2025, 13:50   HK50.  

27th January 2025, 06:30 – 5th February 2025, 14:05   CN300.

Please be advised that the following instruments’ trading sessions will be affected by Chinese Luna New Year 2025 public holiday: 

Symbol 28.01.2025 29.01.2025 30.01.2025 31.01.2025
(GMT+0) (GMT+0) (GMT+0) (GMT+0)
HK50 Early Closed 05:00 Closed Closed Closed
CN300 Closed Closed Closed Closed

Symbol 03.02.2025 04.02.2025 05.02.2025
(GMT+0) (GMT+0) (GMT+0)
HK50 Late Open 01:20 Normal Normal
CN300 Closed Closed Late Open 01:35