
Trading Instruments Affected by 1st and 3rd of July 2020 Public Holidays

Please be advised that the following instruments’ trading sessions will be affected by 1st of July and 3rd of July 2020 public holidays:

Symbol 2020/07/01 (GMT+1) 2020/07/03 (GMT+1)
US30 Open Open till 18:00
NAS100 Open Open till 18:00
SPX500 Open Open till 18:00
USDX Open Open till 18:00
FRA40 Open Open
GER30 Open Open
HK50 Closed Open
#ChinaH Closed Open
#Japan225 Open Open till 18:00
USOIL Open Open till 17:45
USOIL_Q0 Open Open till 17:45
UKOIL Open Open till 17:45
UKOIL_U0 Open Open till 17:45
NG Open Open till 17:45
GOLD Open Open till 18:00
SILVER Open Open till 18:00
CU Open Open till 18:00
US Shares Open Closed
Zeal Capital Market