Straight Through Processing

Straight Through Processing is a direct transaction processing system. through the electronic system automatically instead of using paper or a person to perform.

Straight Through Processing (STP) originated as an attempt to make the debt collection and repayment system quick, accurate, and automated, commonly used in the payment systems of banks and large enterprises. Subsequently, such systems were used to process securities trading transactions such as stocks.

As the STP system is a fast transaction processing system, it is applied to many financial markets to process the trading of financial products such as currency market, bond market, futures market and crypto market.

Straight Through Processing (STP) is a technology-focused approach to managing trading transactions. to reduce dependence on humans Or multi-party coordination like in the past, which helps to shorten the time and increase the accuracy of the transaction. Currently, STP systems are used in many large enterprises and other industries such as the logistics industry. E-commerce industry, etc.

For the Forex market, Straight Through Processing (STP) is also used to process trading transactions. This is a system that brokers use to receive – send orders from customers to liquidity providers. This makes trading in the forex market fast, accurate, and get the price you want to trade instantly and execute 24 hours a day.

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